Mr. #####, ## 19## - Present

Green Leaf Appliance Co's predecessor

Inventor and developer of a [the Company's flagship product] and the manufacturing process for producing tens of thousands per month. Obtained Chinese patents for the invention and a patent for its applications. Trained a production line of ### personnel and secured a factory and parts for #,### units. Previously, tested and perfected the product and its production methods. Obtained a commercial license to sell the product.

  19## - 19##
Senior Engineer

Beijing Institute of ##### ##### #######

Director of the ####### Branch of the above Institute. Developed a highly effective ... [another important invention in the same field of engineering].

  19## - 19##

[Distinguished career in the Ministry of Machine Building].


A Beijing Technological University, B. Sc. of Mechanical Engineering.

Dr. ###### ## At present
VP Development

Green Leaf Appliance Co's predecessor

Studied and worked on engineering projects in USA.


Well respected University in United States, Ph. D. in Engineering.

Mr. David Ma At present

CHA for China, subsidiary of CHA, Inc. (USA)

Director of the Beijing Office of this financial consulting and packaging company.


Peking University, B. Sc. of Mathematics.

Mr. Jim Cook At present

CHA for China, subsidiary of CHA, Inc. (USA)

Director of the New York office of this financial consulting and packaging company.


Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, B. Sc. of Mathematics.


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